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Reference: 2022 – 287 / WE5752
Date of response: 26th April 2022



I’m emailing you to request freedom of information answering the following questions:

  1. What road victims support services do you offer?
  2. Who provides your road victims support services?
  3. Who is eligible for road victim support?
  4. What number/percentage of road victims receive road victims support?
  5. What number/percentage of road victims do not take up an offer of road victims


Please see the below response to your request. The road victim support service is
commissioned by the Police and Crime Commissioner and is provided by RoadPeace.

  1. 1:1 support from the Care Co-ordinator, bi monthly support groups for both bereaved
    and injured victims; Resilience building programme (which is an 8 week programme
    which commenced at the end of March and where participants will learn about the
    psychological and physiological impacts of their bereavement, and develop coping
    strategies using CBT methods and relaxation techniques to deal with depression,
    anxiety and many symptoms of PTSD); Befriender Support – Befriender support for
    those bereaved, seriously injured and witnesses. RoadPeace’s Befriender Support
    connects those bereaved, seriously injured or witnesses to a road crash with people
    who have had similar experience. A Befriender is a member of RoadPeace and offers
    ongoing telephone peer-to-peer support to victims referred either through the Victims Advice Line, or the West Mercia VCC.
  1. RoadPeace. The Care Co-Ordinator is employed by RoadPeace but who sits within
    the West Mercia Forces’ Victims Advice Line unit.
  2. Bereaved victims (friends/family of bereaved), injured victims and witnesses.
  3. Since November 2020 there have been 89 referrals to the project to date, 42 bereaved
    victims, 33 injured victims and 14 witnesses.
  4. 38 have declined support, which equates to just 43%. Many of these people are sent
    support leaflets and sometimes they feel it is too soon after the incident to engage in
    some of the support services but express the opportunity to take it up at a later stage.

Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please write to the
Information Compliance Unit; Information Compliance Unit, PO Box 55, Worcester, WR3
8SP. Email: [email protected]

Yours sincerely,

FOI Officer
West Mercia PCC


If you think that the Police and Crime Commissioner has failed to supply information in accordance with the publication scheme, then you should write in the first instance, to the:

Chief Executive, OPCC – West Mercia, Hindlip Hall, Worcester. WR3 8SP

The PCC will aim to deal with your complaint within 10 working days. If you are dissatisfied with the response you can ask for the matter to be internally reviewed. Internal reviews will be completed promptly and a response given to you within 20 working days of your further request.

If, after the internal review, you remain dissatisfied, then you can complain to the Information Commissioner (Office of the Information Commissioner), Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF).