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Independent Custody Visitor scheme

ICVs are a key part of the justice system, checking on the welfare of those being held after arrest to make sure they are being treated properly.

Make a difference in your local community by becoming an ICV…

Could I be an ICV?

Watch schemes

Watch schemes and initiatives can be a good way to help protect your home, your business and your local community.

Find out which schemes are active in your area and how to register for them.

West Mercia Police: Specials, Volunteers, Cadets and Independent Advisory Groups.

The police force offers a number of ways to help and engage with local communities.

Special Constables play a vital role in helping to reinforce front line policing

Along with the Special Constabulary, the police also offer a range of different volunteering opportunities including working with safer neighbourhood teams or the forensics department.

West Mercia’s Police Cadets scheme has been a great success and is entirely funded by the PCC. The scheme is open across the force area for 13-16 year olds with the programme lasting two years.

Members of Independent Advisory Groups act as ‘critical friends’ to the police, influencing, advising and shaping how the police support and protect your community.

Find out more about the Independent Advisory Groups and get involved click here.


Some voluntary opportunities are listed below. Click for more information on how you can get involved.