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Shining a light on a unique role where volunteers go behind the scenes of police custody, the ‘Could I be an ICV?’ campaign has been launched by Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion.

A key part of the justice system, the PCC’s Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs) make sure the rights of those in police custody are being maintained.

Made-up of a diverse range of people with their individual stories, the campaign gives volunteers an opportunity to talk about why they do the role, the skills they have learnt, and encouraging others to get involved.

In West Mercia, the ICV scheme received national recognition in 2023 when it achieved silver-level accreditation meaning it provides a good standard of custody visiting and volunteer management.

On the journey to reaching gold, the PCC is investing in a mobile app to make it simpler and easier for volunteers to log visits and raise concerns with West Mercia Police.

Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion said: “I am really proud of the vitally important ICV scheme in West Mercia. With four panels across the three counties, each team is full of community-minded people who want to make a real difference.

“I am committed to ensuring the scheme continues to go from strength-to-strength, and in line with my Safer West Mercia Plan provides reassurance around how people are being detained.

“If you want a flexible volunteering opportunity and have an interest in the world of criminal justice and policing – get in touch with my office.”

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