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Quarter 2- 2023/23

Meeting Details

Chair: PCC John Campion

Date: Monday 11th December

Time: 10:30am


John Campion- Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC)

Marc Bayliss- Deputy PCC (DPCC)

Charity Pearce- Policy Officer (CP)

Nicola Lowery- Policy Officer (NL)

Alex Murray- Temporary Chief Constable (T/CC)

Richard Cooper- T/Deputy Chief Constable (T/DCC)

Items for Discussion

1.Review of Action Tracker

2.Quarterly HMICFRS Update- West Mercia Police revisit: Victim Service Assessment

  • T/CC’s assessment of force performance as set out in the VSA revisit letter and a copy of the action plan.
    • Please provide an update on current performance and activity to address outstanding recommendations and AFI that were subject of the VSA, this should inc:
      • Outstanding recommendation related to the cause of concern (investigation plans and supervisory oversight).
      • Outstanding AFI to improve how the force records victims’ decisions, reasons for withdrawing support for investigations and documents consideration for evidence-led prosecutions.
      • Partially outstanding AFI to make sure that call takers give appropriate advice on the preservation of evidence.
    • Update on current performance and activity to address ‘other findings’ in relation to:
      • 999 call handling timeliness.
      • 101 abandonment rates.
      • Response times to incidents, inc. informing victims of delays.

3.Chief Constable Assessment on Quarterly Performance

  • Safer West Mercia Plan and Budget Priorities
    • Outcomes- focus on current performance and MSG comparison data
    • Complaints and conducts
    • Increase in acquisitive crime (Residential burglary, vehicle offences, shoplifting and bicycle theft)
    • Any other performance areas as determined by the Chief Constable.

4.Quarterly Update on Performance/ Activity related to the National Priorities for Policing

  • National Priorities for Policing
  • Homicide
  • Serious Violence
  • Drugs / County Lines
  • Neighbourhood Crime
  • Satisfaction
  • Cyber Crime

5.Summary of Actions Arising

6. AOB

7. Confirmation of next meeting

Thematic- Violence Against Women and Girls