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Diversity, Equality and Inclusion 

Meeting Details

Chair: PCC John Campion

Date: 25 October 2023

Time: 10:00-12:00


  • John Campion – Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC)
  • Marc Bayliss – Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner (DPCC)
  • Nicola Lowery – Policy Officer (NL)
  • Charity Pearce – Policy Officer (CP)
  • Alex Murray – A/Chief Constable (A/CC)
  • Richard Cooper – A/Deputy Chief Constable (A/DCC)
  • Rachel Jones – Assistant Chief Constable (ACC)
  • Grant Wills – A/Assistant Chief Constable (A/ACC)
  • Rachel Hartland-Lane – Director of Business Services (RHL)

Items for Discussion

1.Review of Action Tracker

2. Assurance & Accountability -Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

The PCC will open this agenda item by playing a victim case study video that has been circulated to attendees prior to the meeting. 

Police use of Powers

Stop & Search:  High level summary of qualitative and quantitative progress made by the force’s Stop & Search strategy. To include a focus on volume and reasons for searches, ethnicity data and disproportionality, evidence of reasonable grounds and how the strategy has enhanced scrutiny of BME searches to ensure activity is justifiable, proportionate and necessary. 

Use of Force:  Overview of use-of-force incidents and key performance challenges, including disproportionality, compliant handcuffing and taser usage.  To include further information on the forces approach to improving their understanding of use of force through data.  

Arrest rates: Force activity in West Mercia to understand inequalities across crime types and outcomes.  To include detection rate variation across key crime types such as violence, hate and acquisitive crime, with a particular focus on diverse groups. 

Community cohesion & confidence

Overview of the force approach to engaging with seldom heard communities, with a particular focus on ethnic minority groups and black heritage communities. To include progress to date and any challenges.  

Force activity with communities and groups who may be vulnerable to types of targeted crime or that have a negative view of policing.  To include the force’s engagement with ethnic minority groups and black heritage communities. 

Progress and challenges to improving public confidence levels in policing, with a particular focus on ethnic minority communities. 

3. Summary of Actions Arising

4. AOB

5. Confirmation of Next Meeting/Type/Date/Time/Venue

Performance – Q2 2023/24