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Commissioner John Campion has provided £10,000 in funding to a project helping young people to improve their behaviour, stay in education and keep away from crime.

The Straight and Narrow project recruits and trains professional people to mentor a young person at Tudor Grange Academy in Worcester, helping them to avoid exclusion.

When a pupil is excluded the immediate ‘cost’ to society is around £10,000 however the long term cost to society is often far higher. Children who do not complete their education are often more likely to come into contact with the police and commit crimes in their communities.

Such has been the strength of this project that earlier this year it was awarded a Lottery, Awards for All, grant to enable the mentors to receive a 20 hour accredited training programme. On Thursday, John met with some of the eight mentors who have helped 14 young people, to thank them for volunteering, and present course certificates.

PCC John Campion said ” Projects like this are an important part of my pledge, to build a safer and more secure West Mercia. I want to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour now and in the future, but this isn’t something that can be achieved in isolation. By working with our partners in education, we are helping these young people to get on the right track at an early age, and having a far broader impact on our communities, by preventing potential crime.

I’d like to thank the mentors on behalf of the public, as the difference they make is beyond measure.”

Keith Slater, Chair of Governors at Tudor Grange Academy in Worcester said ” It was wonderful that the PCC could come and say “thank you” personally to the mentors. The mentoring project is one part of a whole range of initiatives that the school provides to help young people who are struggling at school. It is a credit to the school that this project has been so well-embedded into school life.”

Issued: Monday 5th December 2016