The Commissioner’s Grant Scheme (CGS)
This budget focuses on projects committed to delivering outcomes in the Safer West Mercia Plan.
£43,225 – Telford & Wrekin Council
This proposal is for the Police and Crime Commissioner to provide up to a maximum of £200,000 in funding to Telford and Wrekin Council in support of the transition and establishment of civil enforcement in the Borough.
This funding would be available for up to four years, at a maximum level that reduces each year, to cover any deficit incurred by the Council in establishing civil enforcement.
£500,000 – For Safe, Stronger Communities.
This funding has been ring-fenced to continue the project which ran from 2021-2023 which is a partnership initiative between Telford & Wrekin Borough Council and the Police & Crime Commissioner for West Mercia. It will seek to address the root causes of crime within targeted areas, improving life for communities within Telford & Wrekin.
£40,000 – Steer Clear Link Worker
Providing a single link worker for Telford’s serious violence strategic and operational groups. The post will be working with children and young people in, or at risk of criminal exploitation. S/he will build resilience in young people through a trauma informed, protective behaviours approach; supporting them into making positive choices, improving their critical thinking skills, and providing healthy, stable and supportive frameworks. The purpose is to divert young people through enhanced intensive support.
Preventing/Reducing Burglary
Upper Tier Local Authority Councillors have access to financial support for reducing acquisitive crime. The PCC is offering a 25% contribution to the We Don’t Buy Crime (WDBC) scheme increasing the reach across West Mercia. £87,710 has been made available
from the PCC to invest in this initiative. WDBC towns and villages are where 70% of residential properties have marked their possessions with Smartwater (a water-based solution with a unique forensic code that shows up under UV light) WDBC signs are installed through the village/town warning potential offenders to
prevent burglary. Traces of Smartwater found on offender, provides the evidence required for a successful prosecution. Registered Smartwater identified on stolen property increases the likelihood of it being returned to the owner. Since 2015 9,247
Smartwater kits have been registered in Telford & Wrekin.
Community Safety Partnership (CSP) Grants
Each CSP is provided with a ring-fenced budget from the PCC. This budget is spent on pro-active community safety initiatives, addressing local needs and creating a safer and more secure West Mercia. Some of the examples from this funding can be seen below.
Core funding £158,934 allocated as follows:
£20,000 – CSP Analyst
This will be provided by the Research & Intelligence Team of Telford & Wrekin Council. This team support the Council and other partnerships with analytical support and have a wide range of skills and knowledge.
£35,000 – Domestic Abuse
As a contribution towards the IDVA provision contracted to West Mercia Women’s Aid.
£1,000 – IOM
IOM and reducing reoffending is a long-established issue linked to expanding preventative measures, community safety would be greatly improved. The funding will be utilised to take up schemes such as the “Buddi-tag system” and the charitable Probation Care Trust who offer immediate, tailored support to offenders across West Mercia, to assist them in integrating back into the community and breaking the cycle of reoffending.
£5,412 – Hate Crime
To provide funding for a 12-month project which will deliver an engagement and awareness programme to increase public awareness of and confidence in reporting hate-related crimes and incidents. We will achieve this by targeting organisations that are closely related to those at higher risk of vulnerability or are community based to broaden our reach to those who might otherwise feel apprehension in reporting.
£2,000 – Crimestoppers
Funding contributes towards the salary of a Regional Manager who will deliver 3 anti-crime campaigns a year.
£17,882 – VR Headsets & Scenarios for Road Safety Education
Funding to run new sessions using a VR experience. The project will initially be aimed at education for young drivers on potential distractions and dangers. These sessions will be delivered in secondary schools and colleges which is an audience the team doesn’t
currently engage with. There are existing scenarios already developed that give the user an in person experience of being in a vehicle and help them experience first-hand what can happen in relation to distractions, drink and drug driving.
£9,000 – Southwater ASB / CCTV project
To provide an additional resource, working in partnership to identify, prevent, deter and tackle ASB and crime, with a significant focus on partnership working, that includes Police, Telford Town Centre and St Giles Trust. To fund and provide additional CCTV viewing hours, with a specific focus on Southwater, town park and surrounding areas.
£1,788.50 – Licensing Security and Vulnerability Initiative
Licensing SAVI is a confidential self-assessment tool designed to help the owners and operators of licensed premises provide a safer and more secure environment for their managers, staff and customers. 66 premises in the borough have already signed up and this initiative and received and assessment to 4 and 5 stars. The night time economy team aim to recruit more licensed businesses to sign up and their focus will be SWI.
£10,000 – Crucial Crew
Crucial Crew is a multi-agency partnership event aimed at Year 6 students (10/11yrs) designed to provide them with life skills and knowledge, that will in the future help to keep themselves and others safe.
£5,000 – Sanctuary
Providing additional security in victim’s properties. This allows the victim to remain in their own homes and prevents victims having to seek alternative / interim accommodation.
£7,100 – Telford Street Pastors
The Street Pastors aim is to listen, care and help as required for people who are out and about late at night.
£7,000 – Taxi Marshalls
The Taxi Marshalls are an essential part of keeping people safe within the night-time economy, especially when leaving the area and looking for taxi’s. The Taxi Marshalls play a vital role in supporting the Street Pastors in the early intervention of potential incidents.
£3,500 – White Ribbon
Telford and Wrekin have been accredited as a White Ribbon town since 2014 and over the years have held an annual event to mark this, raise awareness and provide information. Men and boys each year are asked to pledge and stand up never to commit or condone violence against women or girls.
£22,211.50 – CCTV in taxis
To purchase and install up to 20 approved CCTV units in Private Hire and Hackney Carriages licensed by Telford & Wrekin Council.
Commissioner’s Community Fund (CCF)
The PCC provides the safer neighbourhood teams with the autonomy to support local initiatives. A branch of this fund is for ‘safer roads’, whereby SNT’s can apply for funding to prevent the harm caused by a road traffic collision in the areas they serve.
Commissioner’s Community Fund (CCF)
Some examples include:
£5,000 – Redeeming Our Communities
A ROC Conversation is a 12-month project which includes a 2-hour structured community engagement event which invites members of the community to gather and discuss
the specific needs of their community, and explore practical ways of meeting those needs. The Conversation is targeted towards all members of the local community: residents, young people, school and youth representatives, church & faith groups, police and fire services, business, local councillors, MP’s, local volunteer groups and anyone with a desire to positively impact the community they live in.
£2,874 – Engagement within Rural Communities
Funds for Engagement purposes within rural communities.
The above list of PCC funding initiatives is in addition to the West Mercia wide funded projects which are also available to the communities of Telford and Wrekin.