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West Mercia Governance Board

Notes of Meeting

Wednesday 20th April 2022, 14:00-16:00

Willison Room, Hindlip


  • John Campion (JC) Co-Chair – Police & Crime Commissioner
  • Gareth Boulton (GB) – Deputy Chief Executive Officer
  • Paul Benfield (PB) – Treasurer
  • Julian Moss (JM)Co-Chair – Deputy Chief Constable
  • Richard Muirhead (RM) – Director of Commercial Services
  • Rachel Hartland-Lane (RHL) – Director of Business Services
  • Richard Cooper (RC) – ACC C&V
  • Rachael Thorold (RT) – Notetaker, OPCC


  • Rachel Jones (RJ) – ACC Local Policing
  • Pippa Mills (PM) Co-Chair – Chief Constable
  • Tracey Onslow (TLO) – Deputy Police & Crime Commissioner


Ref 01/20/04/2022

Attendance and Apologies. 

As above. 

Ref 02/20/04/2022

Minutes and Action updates for the meeting held on 25.03.22. 

An amendment is to be made;  

It is to be stated that the recommendations were not agreed, excepting the procurement of the required fleet from the existing budget. 

Action: The DCC will follow up with any other points of clarification required with the DCEO outside this meeting. 

Ref 03/20/04/2022

VfM profiles – for discussion (Paper) 

The paper was circulated and discussed. 

  • In terms of grant funding our position is not exactly known, the supposition is that we sit within the bottom quarter. 

 Action: RM is to find out our position in relation to the other 41 Forces in terms of grant funding allocation and is to report the findings back to the PCC. 

  • Estates. 

Action: RM is to clarify whether or not the £6.9M is correct as opposed to the actual figure being nearer £8M. 

  • Capital receipts. 

   Action: RM is to find out where other forces are below us, is this due to capital expenditure on their Estates? 

– Overtime and staff working unpaid and undeclared flexible working was discussed. 

– As a general point, the narrative used within the VfM in the profiles, needs to be clearer, and needs to show value for money, where relevant.   

– The presentation provided to this meeting will be used to inform future deep dives, HTA, priority based planning and budget setting activities. 

Ref 04/20/04/2022

NWOW – for information (Papers). 

The paper was circulated and discussed. 

– The concerns raised regarding the recommended blended  approach to working, are those of the lack of mention of the benefits to the Public, and that the current ICT capability and capacity needs to be improved. 

– Amendments to the paper are required; the lack of reference to the benefits to the public and workforce are to be made clearer. The inferred benefits to the public made within the paper are alone is not enough, and was recognised that it needs to be a constant focus in all activities.   

– The next update to this will be brought to this meeting in April 2023. 

Ref 05/20/04/2022

Op Lincoln – for information (Papers). 

The papers were circulated and discussed. 

Action: RC is to check whether or not the purpose of this paper is to serve as one of the quarterly updates, or not. 

  The quarterly updates for this Operation, going forwards are to be brought to this meeting. 

– It was agreed that contact will be made with the HO to seek additional funding/special grant, by the Force.   

 Action: An initial sense check with the HO is to be carried out, led by the Force, and involving the OPCC, seeking the possibility of a further special grant. Action: JM/GB

Ref 06/20/04/2022

Force Strategic Framework – for information (Papers). 

The papers were circulated and discussed. 

Action: MTFP slide; RM/PB are to check the total figures amount increase for 2022-23 and 2023-2024 is correct. 

Ref 07/20/04/2022

EV Paper  – for Decision (Paper) 

The paper was circulated and discussed. 

– The agreement to make the project a joint OPCC/Force one was not clear within the paper.  An amendment is to be made to reflect this. 

– The exact items for purchase are to be stated within the proposal. 

  Action: RHL is to ensure amendments to the paper are made, including the exact items to be purchased, and the proposed charging infrastructure.  Sign off for the detailed items will be done outside this meeting. 

Decision: The recommendation was not supported, but the paper was supported in principle, subject to the required amendments. 

Ref 08/20/04/2022

C&T Update – for information (Paper). 

The paper was circulated, discussed and noted.

Ref 09/20/04/2022

ACO/ACC/Transformation Updates, including Money Matters – for information (Verbal and papers) 

The papers were circulated, discussed and noted. 

ACO Update. 

– A concern was raised about the behaviours around the electric bicycles and the general upkeep and maintenance of them, and the roles the Supervisors are to play in this. 

– Overall it was felt the project has gone well and has been well received. 

Local Policing Update. 

– Nothing further raised. 

C&V Update. 

– Nothing further raised. 

Ref 10/20/04/2022


Digital Kiosks Pilot. 

Action: JM is to provide a project pilot status update to the PCC. 

Ref 11/20/04/2022

Date of next meeting. 

17th May 2022, at 13:30, Willison 

Thematic area: Partnership Working.