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PCC John Campion is committed to addressing community concerns around police visibility and crime as policing numbers are due to rise next year.

Looking ahead to the budget, the PCC is working with West Mercia Police to ensure that expected extra police officers are placed in frontline services – providing greater visibility and accessibility for the public, as well as tackling crime.

Through public surveys, such as the PCC’s Public Confidence survey, only 26% of those asked said that they see an officer or PCSO at least once a week. With the PCC’s Town and Parish Council survey highlighting that police visibility is an issue.

The PCC has delivered 399 additional officers, which includes the national uplift, through previous budgets. This year’s budget should see approximately 100 additional officers. The PCC has also supported the Local Policing Community Charter which aims to improve the concerns and perceptions from communities around visibility of the police, and bring criminals to justice. 

PCC John Campion said: “As I work up next year’s budget proposals for the force, I will prioritise additional resources are directed to the frontline. I want to see that maximum dividends are being delivered to communities from the extra officers.

“I have heard loud and clear from communities that many still don’t feel their police service is visible or accessible. Whilst West Mercia Police has made progress, it’s important we build on this. I am therefore committed to doing all I can to improve the overall confidence and perceptions the public have, because the recent findings highlight that it’s not good enough.

“These further extra officers will not only bring about greater visibility, but they will help tackle crime and ultimately make communities feel safer where they live.”

Further details about the draft budget will be available in December.

Full findings from both the Public Confidence survey and Town and Parish Council survey will be available in a separate press release.

Issued on: Tuesday 23rd NOvember