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Following today’s announcement to make nitrous oxide an illegal Class C substance by the end of the year, PCC John Campion has welcomed the move by the Government. 

In an amendment to the law, those in possession of nitrous oxide could now face up to two years in prison or an unlimited fine in a move to clean up the streets and tackle anti-social behaviour.

Police and Crime Commissioner, John Campion, said: “I welcome today’s announcement which sees nitrous oxide rightly being classed as an illegal substance, with those caught in possession rightly facing the consequences of their actions. I have sadly seen first-hand the damage nitrous oxide causes to individuals, communities and its impact on public spaces with places which are often littered with canisters.

“I would like to thank Mark Garnier MP once again, who has been a prominent voice in Parliament on this issue, joining me in my mission to call for tougher legislation. 

“Alongside tougher legislation, I will continue to use my work as the lead of the Combatting Drugs Partnership in West Mercia to ensure young people are educated about the impact of nitrous oxide and that there are early interventions in place so this issue is rooted out from communities. Intervention will also be coupled with strong enforcement action by West Mercia Police to take drugs off our streets and reduce the level of anti-social behaviour.”