Police and Crime Commissioner Statement (Published November 2024)
The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) (Amendment) Order 2021 provides that PCCs must publish a narrative setting out:
- a statement on the contribution of the police force maintained by the elected local policing body to achieving improvements against those priorities;
- an explanation of which of the national priorities are assessed to be applicable and which not applicable in the context of the relevant police area and the reasons for that assessment.
All the national policing priorities are assessed to be applicable as they align to the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC) Safer West Mercia Plan and West Mercia Police’s Control Strategy.
Set out below is the PCC’s statement on the contribution of West Mercia Police to achieving improvements against the national priorities for policing.
National Policing priorities
Reduce murder and other homicide
Reflections on force performance
One offence has been recorded in Q2, this below average.
The force has seen an extended period of lower-than-average crime recording in relation to homicide, this is believed to be because of the move to enhanced scrutiny in recording of these offences.
The force has recorded 6 homicides in the rolling 12 months between October 2023 – September 2024 which is the lowest it has been for many years. In the last quarter, the rolling number was 10.
Summary of planned activity
Despite the reduction in recorded incidents, Q3 has started with 2 homicides and work continues on both cases.
MIU North are preparing for significant trials of Operation Croft and Operation Columbia at the start of 2025.
Reduce serious violence
Reflections on force performance
Offence against the person volumes continue to decrease with a further 3% reduction on the previous reporting quarter. Outcomes appear to be reducing slightly but with increases in Shropshire and Telford.
Satisfaction (violent crime) has increased 10% in comparison to this time last year due to improved focus on VCOP and quality investigations.
Hotspotting continues to deliver reductions of up to 22% serious violence and anti-social behaviour both within the hotspots and the diffusion of benefit to the wider grids. This will continue with wider engagement and involvement from partner agencies.
Summary of planned activity
Focussed deterrence will be introduced in January 2025 to target persistent violent offenders. The machine learning is being tested until December.
Behavioural detection officers will be deployed throughout the festive period as part of Op Presence to tackle predatory behaviour within the NTE.
Disrupt drugs supply and county lines
Reflections on force performance
West Mercia Police have seen a 13% reduction in the number of active organised crime groups (OCG) at the end of September 24. Around 77% of active OCG are criminally active in drug supply.
The number of county lines has been relatively stable in recent months despite turnover of county lines, with volumes remaining at average levels. In August, the Home Office acknowledged West Mercia’s good performance in this regard to closing county lines.
Summary of planned activity
The force is currently in the planning stages for the national County Lines intensification week in November 2024.
Neighbourhood Crime
Theft from the person (TFP)
Reflections on force performance
A total of 86 theft from the person offences were recorded in Q2 of the 24/25 performance year. This is an increase of 22 offences when compared to the previous quarter.
During Q1 and Q2 Theft from the person accounts for 0.004% of total recorded crime for the force and it is the lowest type of crime within the Theft category.
Many of these offences include ‘pick pocket/bag dipping’ type M.O with very few opportunities to identify an offender.
Summary of planned activity
This crime type is not subject to any specific operation, however, should trends or a spike be identified it would typically be investigated by Safer Neighbourhood and Town Centre Teams where many of these offences occur.
Reflections on force performance
The number of reported robbery offences in West Mercia continue to decline. There has been a 10% reduction in recorded robberies compared to the Q2, 2023/2024.
The detection rate for robbery in West Mercia has increased by 1.7% to 10.3%.
Summary of planned activity
Local Policing areas have enhanced prevention activity through hotspot policing for identified locations. A further 12 Officers will be trained in focussed deterrence for those suspected to be committing violent offences including robbery or carrying knives and other weapons.
Use of bail checks for suspects on bail for robbery offences will continue to be enforced.
Burglary (Residential)
Reflections on force performance
During Q2 there has been a reduction in recorded residential burglaries compared to Q1, which itself was low. 618 offences were recorded in Q2, compared to 873 offences in the same quarter last year. The overall detection rate for residential offences at the end of Q2 was 7.3%, which is an increase of 1% from Q1.
Summary of planned activity
We will continue to target known offenders under specific operations utilising specialist overt and covert tactics, which has been aided by the recent development of geo-spatial analysis through the implementation of Power BI. Work will continue with neighbouring forces to address cross border criminality, recognising the impact of travelling criminality.
Vehicle Crime
Reflections on force performance
Q2 saw a 25% reduction of offences recorded in comparison to Q1, which is a 47% reduction on the same period in 2023. Positive outcomes remain consistent at 4%, which is an increase from last year. Theft, or unauthorised vehicle taking remain the predominant offences recorded.
Summary of planned activity
Preventative work is led by SNTs using Neighbourhood Matters to share crime prevention advice.
Positive outcomes, and good news stories will be shared with communities to promote crime prevention and confidence in Policing.
Improve satisfaction among victims, with a particular focus on victims of domestic abuse
Reflections on force performance:
West Mercia is above target for burglary satisfaction at force and most local policing areas. Reductions in violent crime satisfaction remain statistically significant despite the recent upturn. South Worcestershire has recently seen a statistically significant reduction in relation to hate crime and violent crime; as has Telford & Wrekin for burglary.
Satisfaction in relation to DA remains slightly below target (81% force with target of 82%) however this is being exceeded in both South and North Worcestershire (83% & 84% respectively).
Tackle Cyber Crime
A summary of quarterly performance – 24/25 Q2
111 referrals were made by action fraud to West Mercia Police over the three-month reporting period.
100% of action fraud referrals were investigated.
100% of action fraud referrals received PROTECT advice from a member of the FCCU.
82 minor disruptions and 2 moderate disruptions were recorded over the reporting period which cover all four Cyber Ps.
Reflections on Force performance
The Protect team attended the Shropshire Partners in Care Annual Conference, promoting the Cyber Choices Prevent Programme and Protect messaging.
Completion of the Online Safety Conference in July 2024 which reaching approximately 500 individuals across the education and social care sector, providing advice guidance around staying safe online.
33 in person events have been held over Q2 with the 3P team making direct contact with 1293 members of the public, offering PROTECT advice.
Work has continued in relation to Operation Coldra, resulting in one further arrest and seizure of electronic devices.
21 charges were approved by CPS and raised against 2 defendants in relation to Operation Slovenia, relating to the hacking of social media accounts belonging to female victims and the trading of private sexual images, and possession of Indecent Images of Children.
Planned Action for 24/25 Q2.
Development and planning for trend identification and victim support using PowerBI continues, to further increase effectiveness of Protect messaging by looking at demographic and geographic “hot spots”
“PREVENT Live” continues (a talk-show style event aimed at educating the public and workforce on Cyber PREVENT).
An Officer Safety Project has begun with an aim of highlighting the dangers online for officers posting publicly available information.
Cyber Protect events are being undertaken to provide advice targeting NHS workers and staff, and to provide advice to Higher Education and College around securing accounts, being safe online, and protecting vulnerable clients / students.