Quarter 4 – 2023/24
Meeting Details
Chair: PCC John Campion
Date: Monday 20th May
Time: 2pm
John Campion- Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC)
Marc Bayliss- Deputy PCC (DPCC)
Charity Pearce- Policy Officer (CP)
Nicola Lowery- Policy Officer (NL)
Alex Murray- Temporary Chief Constable (T/CC)
Richard Cooper- T/Deputy Chief Constable (T/DCC)
Items for Discussion
1. Review of Action Tracker
Papers: Updates to action tracker to be submitted to OPCC on 13/05/2024 by 9am.
2. Chief Constable Assessment on Quarterly Performance PCC/T/CC
- Safer West Mercia Plan and Budget Priorities
- 999 Performance:
- Current performance, including national/relevant comparator data
- Barriers to improving performance
- Next steps to making required performance improvements
- Road Safety: Killed and seriously injured (KSI):
- Analysis to establish the scale of KSI incidents
- Assessment of the factors behind increase in casualties and collisions
- Overview of force activity in relation to prevention
- Domestic abuse (DA) arrest rates:
- Explanation of variation in DA arrest rates across LPAs and assessment of ‘what good looks like’
- Overview of activity to address variations in performance (where appropriate) and meet ‘what good looks like’
- Any other performance areas as determined by the Chief Constable.
Papers: Presentation / briefing to be provided by the T/ CC at the meeting and shared with the OPCC after the meeting
3. Quarterly Update on Performance / Activity Related to the National PCC/T/CC
Priorities For Policing
- National Priorities for Policing
- Homicide
- Serious Violence
- Drugs / County Lines
- Neighbourhood Crime
- Satisfaction
- Cyber Crime
Papers: Paper to be submitted to OPCC on 13/05/2024 by 9am.
4. Quarterly HMICFRS Update PCC/T/CC
Building on previous reports to WMGB, the PCC requests an update report on PEEL preparedness. This report should focus on activity commenced following the self-assessment and the steps required for immediate improvement across the 6 initial areas of focus identified by the force.
The 6 areas are:
- Partnership data sharing
- Investigative supervision and oversight
- Apprehension of wanted persons and outstanding suspects
- Effective strategy, performance framework and governance in relation to all College of Policing vulnerability strands
- Timeliness of call handling and abandonment (discussion of which will be picked up in CC’s Assessment on 999 performance)
- Occupational health provision / provision of support to those in high-risk roles
The CC should also identify any areas where the PCC can provide appropriate support.
Papers: Paper to be submitted to OPCC on 13/05/2024 by 9am.
5. Summary of Actions Arising PCC
7. Confirmation of Next Meeting Type / Date / Time / Venue
Public meeting: 25.06.2024