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Following the Community Conversation event that took place in Pershore in May, PCC John Campion is using his powers to address concerns raised by residents.

This webpage is full of the work taking place in Pershore.

Delivering on calls to return to Pershore, a follow-up Community Conversation event will take place on Wednesday 15 November at Pershore Town Hall from 6pm to 8pm. The PCC looks forward to seeing you there!

Public surveys

A survey to understand whether policing concerns in Pershore have improved in recent months has been launched.

PCC John Campion has funded a second survey, with the first one taking place in July, before he hosts a follow-up Community Conversation event.

The survey is once again being carried out by research and analyst company, SMSR, who will be getting in touch over the phone and at face-to-face sessions.

View the full results from the first survey here.

West Mercia Police report

The PCC has sought reassurance from the force about issues and perceptions raised at the Community Conversation event.

West Mercia Police has responded with a document outlining its work to address concerns. It also includes details about improving the way the local policing team communicates to residents and builds closer relationships with partners and organisations.

Read it here

Conversation with Superintendent Rebecca Love

PCC John Campion had a conversation with Superintendent Rebecca Love, area commander, focused on the document from West Mercia Police and the public’s priorities.

The conversation is in five parts: setting the scene, ASB, drugs, visibility and accessibility and looking to future – you can watch the videos below.