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The fifth round of Safer Streets funding will maintain the same focus as Safer Streets 4, aiming to reduce level of neighbourhood crime, VAWG and ASB significantly in disproportionately and persistently affected areas in England and Wales and develop the evidence base to inform future investment and commissioning decisions.


Total funding allocated by the Home Office £999,025 (with match funding of £600,746)

£592,625 Safer Streets grant £358,250 with match funding of £234,375

  1. North Worcestershire Redeployable Cameras – The cameras will add capacity to the current Mobile CCTV project in North Worcs and allow quick surveillance of new areas of concern when neighbourhood crimes are identified.
  2. North Worcestershire Target Hardening Project – Crime prevention measures to reduce risk of neighbourhood crime in target areas e.g., additional lighting, fencing, locks, RFID key pouches, landscaping, light timers, personal attack alarms etc.
  3. Smartwater for North and South Worcestershire – Deployment of Smartwater to provide additional cocooning for premises targeted for residential burglary. This uplift in Smartwater would allow for every victim of domestic burglary to be provided with a full kit along with neighbouring properties creating a preventative cocoon, increasing feelings of safety and security.
  4. Crime Prevention Vehicle Kits – vehicle crime prevention kits will be purchased and distributed to those communities identified as requiring them from crime data. Thesekits will consist of Vehicle Smartwater and Faraday bags along with other items as when required.
  5. Extension to Neighbourhood Watch Scheme (Worcestershire) – Extension to current Neighbourhood Watch Scheme to ensure coverage in hotspot locations. This investment will include co-ordination of the schemes and signage, window stickers etc.

£450,712 Safer Streets grant £253,546 with match funding of £197,166.

  1. Project Manager – recruitment of a Safer Streets 5 project manager to oversee all 3 projects to provide support and ensure progress is being made in line with project plans.
  2. Police and Partner Practitioner Training – This specialist, ASB knowledge and practice external training will provide a rapid injection of national best practice leading to informed (joint problem solving). The bespoke external training will be provided to Police and Partners, to ensure that the public are supported by the most informed and agile organisations.
  3. CCTV (Telford and Oswestry) – CCTV provides good evidence as part of a raft to measures to reduce crime and disorder. The objective is to provide the public with greater feelings of confidence and security.
  4. Intensive Engagement (Leominster, Oswestry, Shrewsbury and Evesham) – Intensive Engagement is an evidence-based and sustainable framework of community engagement activities to tackle ASB through identifying and mobilising community assets, sharing community insights and enabling a step level change in community participation.
  5. OurSide Evesham – This project will be the centre of a multi activity initiative, which will deliver youth centre, outreach, targeted youth work and 1-2-1 interventions leading to over 500 activities delivered across the project period. ASB spikes around school / college holiday periods, so this initiative aims to target and educate young persons to reduce the volume and impact of ASB locally.

£556,164 Safer Streets grant £386,959 with £169,205 match funding.

  1. CCTV, Street Lighting and Landscaping Leominster and Ross on Wye – The intended outcome is to provide a reduction in VAWG offences and to improve the public perception of fear of crime and feelings of safety. Additional street lighting will be installed for each of the identified geographical areas to provide suitable illumination. Landscaping of tree/shrub overgrowth/vegetation will be removed to increase natural surveillance by cutting back overgrown trees and hedges that block lines of sight and reduce street illumination.
  2. Community Monitoring Scheme – aims to develop a sustainable community approach to tackling VAWG with a philosophy that it is everyone’s responsibility to tackle VAWG. VAWG hotspot areas have been identified where a train the trainer programme will be delivered to identified individuals who can support ongoing delivery of Community Monitoring training to community members including those working in the NTE.
  3. Healthy Masculinity – A Peer led leadership programme developed to tackle VAWG culture and the beliefs and the attitudes that can lead to acts of violence against women and girls in 20 identified schools from across West Mercia. This school-based approach would support wider prevention within an educational framework.
  4. Behavioural Detection – This is an evidence-based project where bespoke training is given to officers to identify individuals displaying predatory behaviours. Following training uniformed and plain clothed officers will carry out patrols in NTE areas to identify people who may be displaying signs of predatory behaviour such as sexual harassment, inappropriate touching, and loitering.
  5. Licensing SAVI – Licensing SAVI is a self-assessment tool for Licensed Premises covering topics such as, VAWG, Drink Spiking, CSE, Violence, ASB, Theft, Burglary and all aimed at a prevention approach. Following the self-assessment, premises are awarded a star rating and can display their star rating in the form of a certificate and stickers as a visible show of the measures that they have undertaken to improve safety security and vulnerability