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As the voice of the public in policing, Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion is launching a bespoke survey following concerns raised by residents on anti-social behaviour in Shrewsbury town centre.

The survey will be an opportunity for people who live in, work in, or visit the town centre to have their say, helping the PCC to galvanise change.

Views gathered will help inform the PCC, West Mercia Police and partners to greater understand issues as well as the public’s experiences and confidence in the policing of the town centre.

SMSR, a research and analyst company, will be contacting those who live in or around Shrewsbury over the phone or at face-to-face sessions from Tuesday 26 September.

Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion said: “I am delivering on my promise to ensure members of the public have their voices heard on policing concerns in Shrewsbury town centre.

“Every response will highlight where you want to see improvements and also help me to understand where your local policing team is doing really good work.

“Gathering the public’s views is just part of the proactive work already taking place in Shrewsbury. I will continue to use all the powers available to me to work closely with partners and West Mercia Police to ensure those who live in, work in or visit Shrewsbury are safe and feel safe.”