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John Campion has welcomed £466,243 of extra funding from Government to support more visible policing in West Mercia around Coronavirus.

Due to a national surge in cases in recent weeks, £30m of national funding has been made available to police forces across England and Wales to increase patrols and ensure Covid legislation is being adhered to. It will also provide police support to local authorities and the NHS to make sure that people are self-isolating if NHS Test & Trace has identified a need for them to do so.

PCC John Campion said: “Our communities have made changes to every aspect of their lives in the fight to combat Covid-19. Over the last six months people have pulled together to help and protect each other. We need to maintain and redouble that approach of ‘all being in it together’, to ensure the need for restrictions is minimised, and enabling us and our society to continue as normally as possible.

“The majority of people have been sensible in their response to Covid-19, but there will always be a minority that do not follow the rules. As a consequence, they put vulnerable people at risk of infection and harm. West Mercia Police has made it clear that there is no room for flouting the regulations, and that strict enforcement action will be taken where rules are broken, and appropriate fines given. This additional money from Government reinforces that commitment to keeping us safe and giving the police the resources they need to carry out enforcement where it is necessary.”