West Mercia Governance Board
Notes of Meeting
Date: 25th April 2024
Time: 14:00hrs
John Campion (JPC) Chair Police and Crime Commissioner
Marc Bayliss (MB) Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner
Alex Murray (AM) T/Chief Constable
Richard Cooper (RC) T/Deputy Chief Constable
Gareth Boulton (GB) Chief Executive Officer
Anthony Morriss (TM) Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Paul Benfield (PB) Treasurer
Gareth Morris (GM) Chief Superintendent, Local Policing & Operations
Charity Pearce (CP) Secretary
Grant Wills (GW) T/Assistant Chief Constable, Local Policing & Operations
Richard Muirhead (RM) Director of Commercial Services
Rachel Hartland-Lane (RHL) Director of Business Services
Rachel Jones (RJ) Assistant Chief Constable, Crime & Vulnerability
Introduction / Attendance / Apologies. Welcome and apologies were made.
Minutes and Action Log for the previous meeting
The minutes were recorded as an accurate record. The action log was updated accordingly.
Interim DEI Strategy 2024-25 (Paper) – For Information.
The paper was presented and discussed.
The PCC welcomed the focus on working with partners and sought additional clarity around the why and how this drives outcomes. T/CC said DEI can be a very divisive subject but there is a need to get back to the basics about why it is important.
Fleet Governance – For Information.
The paper was presented setting out the ongoing scrutiny of data linked to telematics. An increase in police vehicle damage has been seen in the reporting period so several activities have been implemented to try and reduce own fault collisions. There is a clear governance structure within the force at both strategic and tactical levels.
The PCC welcomed the work of the analyst to improve the data available but still has concerns around the use of premium fuel.
Improving Victim Services- Performance and Insight Analyst Business Case – For Decision.
The paper was presented and discussed.
There is currently a Victim & Witness Analyst to support a number of reporting requirement for the Victim Advice Line and wider Victim Code Compliance. This post is contracted until March 2025 however, PCC funding expires in June 2024.
Reallocation of £37.6k was being sought to cover staffing costs, £17.6k to come from not recruiting maternity cover at the end of August and utilising expected underspend of £20.6k to fund the post.
Decision: The PCC approved investment of £37,611 to continue funding for Victim & Witness analyst until April 25, including utilisation of £20,616 of reserves from VAL underspend in 23/24 to support the funding of the post.
Transforming Road Safety – For Decision.
In Nov 2023, the PCC supported the progression of the proposed A49 project and in principle the A41 (subject to engineering proposals) average speed camera schemes.
This paper sought support to progress to tender for the A49 average speed camera scheme.
Decision: The PCC supported progression to tender and public consultation for the A49 in Herefordshire. On completion of tender there is a budget envelope of 400k already allocated to the schemes, to deliver the project.
There was a discussion around how the revenue surplus from the schemes will be utilised within the existing road safety reserves for continued investment. The PCC would expect a full benefits realisation review 12 months after completion of the project.
FLU April 2024 Update – (Papers) – For decision.
Last year the PCC allocated £200k to support the reduction in FLU backlogs through recruitment and overtime. This paper sets out that a £56, 255 underspend remains from 23/24 and seeks support to carry this over into the new financial year.
Some recruitment has taken place with nearly all posts expected to be filled by September 2024.
The PCC sought reassurance that the intended outcomes set out when funding was approved will be achieved by current and planned activity. Improvements in performance have already been seen over the last couple of months.
Decision: The PCC supported carrying over the £56,255 underspend to 24/25 to continue to fund FLU additional investment.
HMICFRS PEEL Update (April 2024)- For Information.
An overview of the paper was presented. The Forces Continuous Improvement Board (CIB) focussed on PEEL with 6 areas identified. These 6 areas will now be subject to additional scrutiny with deep dives commissioned to better understand the issues they face.
Engagement with other forces that have recently finished their PEEL inspection or have recently had reports published is taking place to support preparation activity. DCC Cooper is confident the force is scrutinising the right areas with internal comms strategy being developed to support.
The PCC offered OPCC support to dip sampling activity ahead of the inspection in the summer.
Action 2024/65: RC to invite TM to all meetings with Department Heads concerning PEEL.
Action 2024/66: RC to engage with GB/TM to identify representative to support dip sampling work.
Wendy Williams term has ended as a HMI, responsibility will be reallocated to HMCI Andy Cooke with support from Assistant HMI Nicola Faulconbridge until a suitable replacement is appointed.
Vulnerability Strategy – For Information
The paper was presented setting out that the previous vulnerability strategy was outdated, this updated version simplifies things with key principles and governance structure.
The PCC sought assurance that there is enough consideration of partnership working and the lived reality. Through strategic relationships with partners the T/CC was satisfied this was in place but more could be done to strengthen those with some NGOS etc.
It wasn’t clear if partners had been consulted on as part of the strategy development, but the governance set out within focuses only internally.
Q4 Assurance and Accountability Update – For Information.
Nothing of note to highlight. The plan for 24/25 meetings is subject to the outcome of the PCC elections.
The T/CC acknowledged the full review of the Assurance and Accountability at the start of 2023 and raised whether something similar could be done for WMGB. The PCC was supportive whilst needing to ensure his statutory responsibilities are still met and a clear focus on the outcomes.
Action 2024/67: LLG to engage with TM around reviewing WMGB with verbal update for the May meeting and a more formal update in June.
Fleet Write Offs – For Decision
The paper set out the details of two vehicles that required replacing after being written off. The 100k delegated under the scheme of consent to the force for this purpose had already been drawn down so the force was requesting additional funding to cover this.
Decision: Force to utilise £3.3 million budget set aside for fleet replacement programme to replace vehicles. The PCC did not support any additional funding outside of delegated budget.
The force indicated that a future business case would be brought to WMGB to increase the size of the fleet as it doesn’t currently reflect the increased size of the organisation. The PCC suggested that this business case should include detail on how force will use revenue to support expanding the fleet. Engagement with the OPCC should be sought before submission to ensure business case meets requirements.
Local Policing Community Charter- For Decision
An action was set in the January 24 WMGB for the force to present a refresh of the LPCC data and Parish Council engagements. The paper presented provides an update on that work.
Whilst progress has been made in improving recording of engagement activity, staff have become too concerned with this element rather than doing something meaningful to increase confidence levels.
The PCC recognised that it was not currently working as intended but was concerned that this could look like a reduction in service to the public. Attendance at parish council meetings is a small element of the wider visibility and accessibility activity.
The commitments within the charter don’t respond to or meet the needs of parish councils. They vary in size with some more urban areas being part of a wider town council, therefore the needs of each will differ.
The forces new engagement strategy focuses more on how the force engage with communities.
There was agreement that a review needs to focus on visibility and accessibility rather than whole charter. The PCC needs reassurance on efficiency and effectiveness of this activity to have confidence.
Action 2024/68: RC to coordinate LPCC review, with a focus on visibility and accessibility linking together various pieces of work. OPCC to be involved.
There will be no change at present until Op Delivery delivers on role review for Safer Neighbourhood Teams.
Portfolio Updates- For Information
Business Services Update Nothing of note.
Crime & Vulnerability Nothing of note.
Local Policing & Ops Recent good results have been seen as part of Operation activity including NPCC County Lines Intensification week. Discussion around how wider activity outside of this campaign is communicated to the public as well as linking it back to the Safer West Mercia Plan.
PCC sought reassurance of the project to balance resources across Shropshire. This is due to be rolled out next month and will result in 3 more officers on each patrol shift.
Commercial Services Athena V6 is due to be rolled out in June, with training planned in before.
The force is confident that potential hot weather in the summer will have no impact on systems overheating.
AOB/Forward Plan. Nothing further raised.