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West Mercia Governance Board

Notes of Meeting

Friday 25th March 2022 – 10:00-12:00

Willison Room, Hindlip


  • John Campion (JC) Chair – Police & Crime Commissioner
  • Tracey Onslow (TLO) – Deputy Police & Crime Commissioner
  • Paul Benfield (PB) – Treasurer
  • Pippa Mills (PM) – Chief Constable
  • Richard Muirhead (RM) – Director of Commercial Services
  • Rachel Hartland-Lane (RHL) – Director of Business Services
  • Rachel Jones (RJ) – ACC Local Policing
  • Richard Cooper (RC) – ACC C&V
  • Rachael Thorold (RT) – Notetaker, OPCC


  • Gareth Boulton (GB) – Deputy Chief Executive Officer
  • Julian Moss (JM) – Deputy Chief Constable


Ref 01/25/03/2022

Attendance and Apologies. 

As above. 

Ref 02/25/03/2022

Action updates for the meeting held on 16.02.22. 

Deep Dive: Criminal Justice. 

Out of Court Disposals, the LCJB, the use of RJ, recent disclosure changes and ABE suite provision were discussed. 

Action: A review of established good practice in Restorative Justice is to be prepared jointly by the Force and OPCC.  Update 16.02.22 – See action tracker for update.  C/Fwd.   

Update 25.03.22 – GB/N.Webster are to take this action forwards.  C/Fwd. 

PSST Analysts. 

The presented paper needs to be amended to set out the 

amount and duration requested, and is to be re-submitted for 

consideration outside of this meeting. Subject to the final 

detail, the proposal is likely to be approved. 

Action: RJ is to submit an amended paper for 

consideration by the PCC.   

Update 25.03.22 – Complete. 

Estates Strategy Draft Version 8. 

Action:  Proposals on the extent and nature of 

consultation on the draft strategy are to be produced for 

the PCC to consider.   

Update 25.03.22 – Consultation approach to be taken to the next Estates Governance Board for consideration.  C/Fwd. 

Deep Dive work programme. 

It was agreed that Money Matters reports are still be brought 

to this meeting, but that they do not fall into the Deep Dive 


Action: JM/AC are to amend the proposed programme for 


Update 25.03.22 – The programme was submitted, amended and agreed at the meeting.  Complete. 

Ref 03/25/03/2022

Deep Dive: CSE. 

Papers were circulated, discussed and noted. 

Discussion Points. 

– RC introduced the topic from the point of view of the force, with emphasis on the findings from the VKKP and the work that is resulting from the investigations into CSE in T&W 

– Agreement that there was a disproportionate emphasis on CE rather than CSE and whether the front line policing was able to hear the ‘voice of the child’ in investigations.  

– It was felt the papers submitted had a disconnect, and to that end both the OPCC and Force would benefit from some joint working going forwards. 

– The paper didn’t bring out the force utilisation of OPCC commissioning to impact on CSE.   

  Action: RC is to link in with C Richardson (OPCC) to discuss the opportunities for more joined up working (including OCSET). 

– It was agreed that a template for Deep Dives would help in ensuring that the paper brings together both Force and PCC action together.   

  Action: PCC/CC are to discuss development of a template for the Deep Dives for this meeting. 

– Partnership working came up as an area that CSE required further consideration. It was agreed that Partnership working had been a focus of discussions at a strategic level in several forums and the issues within this was discussed.   

– A piece of work looking at the current knowledge that we have around partnership working and gaps for both the OPCC and the Force and the benefits of doing this was proposed and discussed. 

– It was proposed to amend the Proposed Deep Dive work programme so that Partnership working to be brought to the May 2022 meeting  

 Action: Partnership working arrangements added to the work programme in May 2022.

Ref 04/25/03/2022

Budget Report for 2022-23 – for decision (Paper). 

The paper was circulated, discussed and approved. 

–  The paper was well received. 

–  An annual review is carried out on the performance metrics with an expectation from the PCC that the Force will be carrying out ongoing monitoring exercises. 

Decision: The budget was approved, with the caveat that it needs amending in terms of Policing Resourcing table (pge 20) to match the force apportionment in the PCP presentation.   

The financial figures presented are accepted and will be the original budget uploaded into the finance system.   

The savings plan will be circulated post meeting as an appendices to the budget report to be accepted as agreed outside the meeting by the PCC.

Ref 05/25/03/2022

Capital Strategy –  for decision (Papers) 

The paper was circulated, discussed and 

–  The covering report recommendation is that the PCC approves the Capital Strategy 2021/22 – accepted that it should refer to the 2022/23 strategy. 

– Verbal update that the benefits section of the covering report should state that the capital strategy ensures that investments are affordable, deliverable and meet objectives of the PCC/Force 

– The capital strategy presented here, is to be re-submitted in  6 months time, to reflect the budget setting cycle for 2023-24. 

– At that time any changes in strategies such as estates, fleet, New ways of working etc will be reflected in the decision making process.   

Decision: The strategy was approved, subject to the updates discussed above. 

Ref 06/25/03/2022

Treasury Management Strategy – for information (Papers) 

The paper was circulated, discussed and noted. 

–  The paper will be considered by the Joint Audit and Standards Committee on the 28th March 2022.  A Decision Notice will then follow this. 

–   Reassurance was sought that we have everything in place needed for any changes in the HSBC credit rating.  Assurance was given this will be made clearer in subsequent versions of the Strategy. 

Action: Next TM strategy will include a section on the principal banking arrangements, its credit rating and liquidity. 

Ref 07/25/03/2022

Command Cadres – for information (Paper). 

The paper was circulated, discussed and noted. 

–  The paper recommended 2 primary changes, namely a reduction in the TFC cadre and creating a Command Cadre Board to be chaired by C/Supt Operations, the benefits of which were highlighted and discussed. 

–   The reasons for halving the numbers were discussed. 

Ref 08/25/03/2022

Police Staff – Time off for Specials Training – for information (Paper). 

The paper was circulated, discussed and noted. 

–  The paper and its recommendations was welcomed.

Ref 09/25/03/2022

Police Pay Progression Standards – for information (Paper) 

The paper was circulated, discussed and noted. 

–  A discussion took place around the current differences between the pay progression standards for Officers and Police Staff.   

– A discussion took place around whether performance related pay should equally apply to police staff.  It was clarified that police staff conditions of service are governed by the national PSC handbook. 

Ref 10/25/03/2022

EV roll out – for decision (Paper). 

The paper was circulated and discussed. 

–   A joint project was proposed between the OPCC and Force  looking at the introduction of Electric Vehicles/fleet. 

    This was supported by the Board. 

–   A pilot site (7 vehicles) as an initial approach to the project was welcomed by the PCC.  A recommendation for the desired vehicles is required for approval.  This is to be actioned outside this meeting. 

    Action: RHL to submit a proposal for the 7 EVs for the pilot for approval outside this meeting. 

–  The project scope and resourcing plan are to be produced, and brought back to this meeting. 

–  There is a concern that delays in implementation of the project will increase difficulties in purchasing the vehicles required due to global supply issues. 

Decision: A joint OPCC and Force project is to be established for an initial pilot site (7 vehicles).  A Change Canvas to be developed to initiate the project through Change & Transformation Board. 

Ref 11/25/03/2022

Fleet Utilisation and Funding 2022-23 – for decision 


–  The board discussed the paper.  The PCC confirmed the current governance framework and budgetary allocation for purchasing fleet was as per previously agreed.  Any additional proposals for spending outside of the agreed budget should include funding/savings proposals. 

Electric Vehicles. 

Electric Fleet – See agenda item 10/25/03/2022. 

Medium term Financial Plan. 

In light of the future delivery of a telematics system to assist  

with understanding fleet useage, it was agreed that when we have a richer picture from that system, a longer term assessment of the fleet investment, particularly in light of EV impact should be completed. 

Fleet would continue to feature as part of the budget setting 


The papers were noted.

Ref 12/25/03/2022

Social value – for decision (Paper)  

The paper was circulated, discussed and approved. 

–  Although a specific energy efficiency budget has not been set aside, there will be an energy efficiency specialist role within the Estates Team. 

Decision: The paper was approved. 

Ref 13/25/03/2022

ACO/ACC/Transformation Updates, including Money Matters – for information (Verbal and papers) 

The papers were circulated, discussed and noted. 

Money Matters. 

ACO Update. 

Local Policing Update. 

C&V Update. 

Transformation Board Update. 

Action: JM requested to provide a Change & Transformation Board update as appropriate for future meetings. 

Ref 14/25/03/2022

Proposal for the Governance arrangements of the WMGB 

– for information (Paper). 

The paper was welcomed, circulated, discussed and noted. 

Ref 15/25/03/2022


None raised. 

Ref 16/25/03/2022

Date of next meeting. 

20th April 2022, 14:00hrs, Willison 

Thematic area: N/A for the April meeting