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West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion has reaffirmed his commitment to tackling domestic abuse in West Mercia.

Domestic abuse accounted for 17% of all crimes recorded in West Mercia in 2018/19*. Targeted, innovative approaches are crucial in reducing this number and tackling the root cause of domestic abuse.

The PCC’s strengthened approach builds on existing work, including increased investment in specialist support for victims and in the Drive programme to challenge perpetrator behaviour. There is a focus on four main areas:

  • Preventing violence and abuse – work to ensure that the number of people abused or exposed to domestic abuse reduces
  • Provision of services – ensure there is support available for victims and families to help cope and recover
  • Partnership working – identify and continue joint opportunities to tackle domestic abuse together
  • Pursuing perpetrators – work with West Mercia Police and partners to identify and challenge perpetrator behaviour to prevent further victims

The Commissioner said: “Domestic abuse has a devastating impact on victims and families. As a society, more needs to be done, we cannot continue to just accept and justify this behaviour as a fact of life. Victims, survivors and their families deserve better.

“Victims, survivors and their families have always been at the heart of my commitment, there has already been a focus on targeting perpetrator behaviour to stop the abuse from ever happening and also providing support to those affected. We all have our part to play in preventing the abuse and I will continue to work with partners to ensure resources are in place to support victims, survivors and their families. “

The Commissioner is inviting members of the public and partners to help shape the document and priorities within by providing feedback via the PCC’s website here –

Issued on: Monday 2nd March 2020