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Executive Summary

The commissioner has tasked the Deputy PCC and the OPCC to identify opportunities to invest in initiatives outside of core commissioning activity which supports the delivery of the Safer West Mercia Plan. Working in partnership with local providers to support community-based activities which tackles the underlying drivers of crime and provides reassurance to the public and supports victims.


The Commissioner is recommended to approve;

Allocation of £200,000 to support community-based activities which aligns with the objectives set out in the Safer West Mercia Plan The funding is to be made available from the budget implementation reserve.

Approval Of

West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner

I hereby approve the above proposal

Signed: John Campion

Non-Confidential/Exempt Facts and Figures

Supporting Report

The PCC has allocated annual revenue funding to support his commissioning activity to support both his statutory role and to deliver the police and crime plan

The commissioning budget has been fully allocated for the financial year and does not provide flexibility to Invest In further community-based initiatives which are Identified through the year

The PCC Will provide a resource of up to £200k In grant funding to be able to Invest In options for crime reduction, activities which provide public reassurance and those which supports the victims of crime

Both the PCC and DPCC will be make decisions on what resources are made available to make Investments which Will be delivered by community-based partners

The agreed governance arrangements are

  • The Initiatives will be delivered by a 3 rd party, based on a written application made through the OPCC
  • The OPCC Will support the award of funding, providing advice on legality, compliance With the Safer West Mercia plan, and on due diligence in working With the identified partner organisation
  • The maximum value of funding for an Individual scheme will be £50,000, one off in nature and not create a specific ongoing liability and are consistent With the Financial Procurement rules Schemes above this threshold Will require a separate Decision

Strategic Considerations

The decision supports the following element(s) of the Safer West Mercia Plan

  • Putting Victims and Survivors First
  • Reforming West Mercia
  • Building a more Secure West Mercia
  • Reassuring West Mercia’s Communities

The decision supports this/these objective(s) through the following:

  • Reassuring West Mercia and making communities feeling safer
  • Increased tailored services for all victims of crime
  • Increased interventions which tackle offending behaviour
  • Reductions in prevalence of crime and increased diversionary activities for those at risk of offending
  • Overall increase In quality of services to support victims
  • Increased confidence around funding being targeted to areas of need
  • Increased PCC profile locally and regionally

Benefits and their Realisation

Anticipated benefits include.

  • Financial Resources made available to enable additional outcomes to be delivered as identified In the SWMP and for the public


Paul Benfield Date: 02/08/2023

Financial and Treasurer Comments

The proposal would require the release of £200,000 from the budget implementation reserve, as the commissioning budget is overallocated for the 23/24 financial year

There is currently sufficient funding available In the budget Implementation reserve to support this Initiative, although the balance remaining would be reduced to £250k. This remaining level of reserve available to support future budget planning Initiatives would be reliant on underspend bang delivered In the current financial year. The QI Money Matters report has set out a risk of an in year underspend not being delivered In 2023/24.

Signed: Treasurer 14/07/2023

Legal Considerations

By virtue of schedule 11, paragraph 14 of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 the Police and Crime Commissioner may do anything which is calculated to facilitate, or is conducive or incidental to, the exercise of the functions of commissioner. That includes entering into contracts and other agreements (whether legally binding or not) and acquiring and disposing of property (including land).

Public Access to Information

Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation. Part 1 of this form will be made available on the West Mercia Commissioner’s website. Any facts and advice that should not be made automatically available on request are not included in Part 1 but instead in a separate Part 2 report.

Officer Approval

Chief Executive Officer

Signed. Date 21/08/2023