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Executive Summary

Approval is sought for the release of part of the remaining El 25,000 capital allocation relating to electric vehicle infrastructure, to be used as follows:

  • Enabling completion / delivery of the pilot at Worcester police station (PCC/D/2022/18 refers)
  • The appointment of consultants for the development of the future infrastructure specification across the police estate


It is proposed that the PCC approve:-

The release of £42,015 from the EV infrastructure capital budget, for use for the purposes (and within the parameters) set out in this notice.

Approval Of

West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner

I hereby approve the above proposal.


Part 1 – Non-Confidential Exempt Facts and Figures

Supporting Report

The PCC has approved in the 2023/24 budget an overall capital allocation of £250,000 for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure.

A pilot project around the use of ultra-low emission electronic vehicles (ULEVs) was approved at Worcester police station (PCC/D/2022/18 refers). Approval was also provided in PCC/D/2023/09 to allocate funding of £25,000 from the overall capital allocation towards the estate modifications required to support this pilot. Identified costs to date incurred on EV Infrastructure are as follows;

Contractors Works Worcester Pilot Project£132,765
Worcester Pilot Project Manager £9,250
Total Expenditure to Date£142,015

It is now proposed that the PCC formally allocate and make available £42,015 from the overall £250,000 capital allocation.

This would be utilised as follows:

  • Completion I Delivery of the Worcester Pilot – The full cost of delivering the Worcester pilot is now known to be £42,015. This is an additional £7,015 of funding above the £25,000 budget already allocated.
  • Appointment of Consultants — An investment of £25,000 would be utilised to develop proposals around the future EV infrastructure across the West Mercia estate. This is necessary to adopt an informed approach to future investment and ensure it is fit for operational purpose.
  • Implementation of the pilot project at Worcester police station requires modifications to the police estate, including the addition of multiple charging points.
  • Whilst the implementation of the pilot is ongoing, it has already identified a need to understand the implications of installing EV infrastructure at various sites across West Mercia.
  • A competitive process has been undertaken and a preferred supplier identified who will work with the force to develop fleet requirements, supported by OPCC Estates. It was decided that the optimal approach would be to pursue an output specification, to allow the consultant to apply their knowledge and experience to provide an optimal solution for West Mercia.

The core deliverables required from this piece of work are:

  1. By site analysis of the allocation and utilisation of existing fleet (e.g. vehicle mileage and dwell time)
  2. A credible set of EV charging infrastructure requirements based on the utilisation of the existing fleet
  3. Capability assessment of existing electrical infrastructure with recommendations for Distribution Network Operator (DNO) upgrades
  4. Recommendations, with a road map/high level plan that the Authority can adopt to deliver the approved requirements.

The tender exercise has identified a preferred supplier to undertake this work, for which funding of £25,000 is required.

The project will have oversight through the EV Infrastructure Board which has representatives from both Force and Estates. The work of the EV Infrastructure Board is reported through to the Estates Governance Board.

The expectation is that an additional capital allocation will be required for the eventual installation of the new infrastructure. A business case will be developed to bring to the PCC for approval.

Strategic Considerations

This decision supports the following element(s) of the Safer West Mercia Plan:

  • Putting Victims and Survivors First
  • Building a More Secure West Mercia
  • Reforming West Mercia                    
  • Reassuring West Mercia’s Communities

The decision supports this/ these objective(s) through the following:

  • Continues the electrification of West Mercia’s fleet
  • Enablesprojects to deliver improved efficiency and effective use of public resources
  • Supports reduction in West Mercia’s carbon footprint

Benefits and their Realisation

  • Enables reduction in West Mercia’s carbon footprint
  • Enables further electrification of police fleet, realising efficiencies around police budgets
  • Demonstrates PCC commitment to pursuing environmental improvements within policing, providing reassurance to communities


Paul Benfield, 14th July 2023

Financial and Treasurer Comments

The request for £42,015 is from the allocation approved in the capital programme. The aim of the proposal would be to develop a plan for the future implementation of EV infrastructure across the estate and to realise future revenue savings from reduced life cycle costs through use of electric vehicles.

Signed, Treasurer, 14th July 2023

Legal Considerations

By virtue of schedule 11, paragraph 14 of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 the Police and Crime Commissioner may do anything which is calculated to facilitate, or is conducive or incidental to, the exercise of the functions of commissioner. That includes: entering into contracts and other agreements (whether legally binding or not) and acquiring and disposing of property (including land).

Public Access to Information

Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation. Part 1 of this form will be made available on the West Mercia Commissioner’s website. Any facts and advice that should not be made automatically available on request are not included in Part 1 but instead in a separate Part 2 report.

Officer Approval

Chief Executive Officer

Signed, 17th July 2023